Monday, October 24, 2005

Once upon a season, re-discovered

During my busy office hours(yeah you got it right, it is indeed a metaphor for "I was browsing, blog-hopping"), I stumbled upon Vasu's site.

He had unearthed a splendid article about MS Subbulakshmi, which I read in The-Hindu long back. This made me to dig deep in chennai online to excavate a superb, perhaps a mix of reality and imagination, series on genius of Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, during "those days", that i read then. Many a times I was trying to find out, and thanks to Vasu's blog, today I made a determined attempt to find the series (for, I forgot the series name itself).

The series is titled Once upon a season. It is a superb 'digiree kaapi', a rightly blended concoction of thamizh movement in classical music arena, freedom movement, and 'elitists' of those days.

I am not sure of its author. I vaguely remember someone telling me that the author is a well known carnatic singer. May be, may be not. Howerver it is definitely worth reading.

Here is the link:
Part 1        Part 2        Part 3        Part 4        Part 5        Part 6        Part 7


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